Sunday, September 30, 2012

I'm gonna Rock the Y!

I'm so excited tonight! I've packed my bag and tomorrow I'm starting my workout commitment at the YMCA. I'm going to walk over at lunch and ask the guy that runs the place if anyone will be there when I get off of work to show me how to work the machines. I'm too excited to sleep tonight! I've made a commitment to work out at least three days a week. I was assigned a new parking spot at work and I have to walk right past the Y to get to my car, so NO EXCUSES!!! Love Life!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Post-HCG Weight Loss Update

I just wanted to pop in and give a quick update. After finishing up my six week round of hcg in the middle of June I started phase 3 and finished that up in the second week of July. My last injection weight was 207.4 so I lost a total of 35 pounds while doing the hcg. In the month that followed I got on down to 198. I was so excited! I have not been in the 100s since I got pregnant with my daughter back in 1999. I decided to start another round of hcg the second week of September. The week before I started my injections again I noticed that my hair loss was increasing rapidly. I had been losing more hair than usual over the summer but now it is coming out at a scary rate. I do believe that the rapid weight loss from hcg stressed my system and it is the cause. I only did three injections of the hcg and decided not to do any more right now until my hair shed slows down. This happened to me before when I lost a lot of weight in a short period of time. I am taking biotin and BioSil along with using a special shampoo from Sally's. I have been using the shampoo for three weeks and taking the BioSil for two weeks and the hair loss has not slowed down, but I can't believe how bright and fresh my skin looks. I do see new hairs coming in around my hairline, but unfortunately when I style my hair on top I can see more of my scalp than ever before. :-( It's quite disheartening! I'm keeping up the fight though! The false start on the hcg put a few pounds back on. I'm weighing in at 203 now. This week I plan to start working out at the YMCA. I have a free membership through the new job that I started three weeks ago. The gym is right on the next block over from my office building so there is no excuse not to take advantage of it! I'll post an update after I get started to let everyone know how it is working out for me. Love Life!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

HCG Diary - Finished Round 1 Phase 3

I finished phase 3 of round 2 on Monday, which was four days ago. Unfortunately, the last four days of my phase 3 was spent without electricity and I wasn't exactly eating strictly no sugar, no starch. But, guess what? I didn't gain any weight at all and I am so thrilled with that. To be honest we were so busy running around trying to keep gas in the generator and find water and everything else that is needed when something like this happens that I wasn't really eating much at all. When I did eat, though, it wasn't always on protocol. Today I am at 204, which is 3.4 pounds below last injection weight. I have 2.5 weeks to go before I can start on my last vial of hcg. I only have one vial so I will probably just do three weeks on phase 2. I would like to be down below 200 before I start and it is looking like that just might happen! Yay!!! for eating according to appetite and not eating for emotional reasons. I have to take some after pics because I didn't get to do that yet, but I can really tell that my clothes are fitting much looser. I'm almost 38 pounds lighter than I was when I started round 1, phase 2.

Monday, June 18, 2012

HCG Diary - R1P3D7

I'm almost finished with my first week of phase 3 and I must say that I'm certainly enjoying being less restricted on my food choices. Unfortunately, I got a sunburned badly on Wednesday, which was the second day of phase 3. For the next three days I was weighing heavy due to fluid retention. Even today I am 1.4 pounds over liw. I'm not worried though, because I'm not eating sugar and starch so I know that it is just more than likely water weight. I lost 35 pounds in phase 2 so I am extremely pleased with that. This was in spite of my thyroid issues and going without any meds for three weeks. The last week of injections I started back on my ArmourThyroid and I'm taking it morning and afternoon. I'm also grinding it up in a mortar and pestle. I feel awesome since I've started doing this. I have two more weeks of phase 3 and then I will probably ride out the next three weeks doing low carb before I start round 2 again. I'm happy with my phase 2 results!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

HCG Diary - R1P2VLCD32

I've released 29.8 pounds so far! I am on the third and last day of my fat fast and I feel soooo good. I started day before yesterday and only had 5 servings of mac nuts all day. The next morning I had released 1.4 pounds. Yesterday I had chocolate delight, mac nuts and bacon and eggs. This morning I had released 1 more pound. I'm having only mac nuts again today and I'm very excited to see what the scales reveal in the morning. I have been flooding myself with stevia tea and water because the nuts are kind of salty. My planned last injection day was supposed to be next Friday, June 8, but I figured that if I ran out of my vial before then that I would just end this round early. I went ahead and drew up my injections just to see what I would have in the vial and it was just enough so that I can do the last injection when I'm supposed to on Friday. Do you know what that means? The universe is on my side!!! LOL...Yay for that one! I can't wait until I can add the fat back to my diet. I think my hair might be falling out because of the lack of protein that I've went through for the last 5 weeks. Well, it won't be much longer. That's what I keep telling myself.

I started back on my Armour Thyroid today again, too. The synthroid just wasn't helping me at all. I have been off of the synthroid for three weeks and taking the supplements that I felt would replace it, but they still aren't bringing my basal temp up to where it needs to be. I've taken my temp several times in the last few weeks and it has been as low as 95. I want my body to be working correctly when I finish with my hcg phases because if my metabolism is still shot then it is going to be extremely difficult for me to keep the weight off. One of the supplements that I've been taking is the Metabolic Advantage. I already feel more energetic today with just taking this plus the Armour. I got it at the local health food store but it's cheaper at Amazon. The link is below.

HCG Diary - R1P2VLCD28

I've released 26.8 pounds so far. It seems like I'm kind of stuck in this same area for the past few days so I'm thinking of doing a fat fast to get on down. I read about it on . It seems that there are a few rogue gals (maybe guys, too) that have done it off and on during phase 2 and it really helps them. My body really needs some fat right now. I'm freezing all of the time and it has been really hot. I don't feel like I'm thinking clearly either. I'm going to go to the store and get some mac nuts so that I can start doing the fat fast. Well, if I wake up tomorrow with a huge loss I probably won't do it, but otherwise I will. Wish me luck!

HCG Diary - R1P2VLCD21

I'm getting tired of this limited regime. I've lost 22.2 pounds so far. I'm not even sticking that closely to protocol. Well, I'm not eating much over 500 calories a day but I have been eating Jay Robb's Whey Protein powder. It doesn't really seem to be hurting me though. I so look forward to having my strawberry protein smoothie. I've been putting a tbsp. of coconut flour in it too.