Friday, July 6, 2012

HCG Diary - Finished Round 1 Phase 3

I finished phase 3 of round 2 on Monday, which was four days ago. Unfortunately, the last four days of my phase 3 was spent without electricity and I wasn't exactly eating strictly no sugar, no starch. But, guess what? I didn't gain any weight at all and I am so thrilled with that. To be honest we were so busy running around trying to keep gas in the generator and find water and everything else that is needed when something like this happens that I wasn't really eating much at all. When I did eat, though, it wasn't always on protocol. Today I am at 204, which is 3.4 pounds below last injection weight. I have 2.5 weeks to go before I can start on my last vial of hcg. I only have one vial so I will probably just do three weeks on phase 2. I would like to be down below 200 before I start and it is looking like that just might happen! Yay!!! for eating according to appetite and not eating for emotional reasons. I have to take some after pics because I didn't get to do that yet, but I can really tell that my clothes are fitting much looser. I'm almost 38 pounds lighter than I was when I started round 1, phase 2.