Tuesday, May 15, 2012

HCG Diary - R1P2VLCD14

I started injections today after doing sublingual for the last two weeks. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I've been doing great with the weight loss. As of today I am down 17.2 pounds...YAY!!! I've ate off of protocol on Mother's Day when my fiance made shish kabobs with ribeye. They were incredible! I had at least three times as much meat as I should have had and they also had mushrooms, tomatoes, green peppers and onions. So, the next day I was up .4 but today I'm down 1.2, so it came back off. I've noticed on the two days that I have gained, on the very next day I have lost at least double the amount that I lost the day before the gain. I would LOVE to get down in the 100s on this round of hcg, but that's 26 more pounds to go so I don't know how that will work. I'm just taking it one day at a time at this point. One thing that I have noticed is that I'm not drinking as much water as I was at first so I plan on bumping it up today.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

HCG Diary - R1P2VLCD8

I feel so much more like myself today than I have the last few days. I've released 13.4 pounds so far and I'm thrilled. I did increase my hcg slightly and I think that combined with a little extra protein is helping me. I took my dopa munuca today and yesterday, too, so that has helped. Planning is a big part of this program. Looking back, I can see that it has been the times that I haven't pre-planned adequately that I've kind of messed up. I'm having a yard sale Friday at my cousin's house so I will have to make sure that I take my lunch because they're having hot dogs, which would definitely be a no-no for me. I haven't been cooking my vegetables much so I'm looking into different dishes that I can have to change things up a bit. So far, so good!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

HCG Diary - I'm still losing after using Jay Robb whey protein

I don't think eating the Jay Robb whey protein yesterday hurt me any. I intended to use in place of one of my meats, but I had several bites of roast last night while fixing my honey's plate. I couldn't help it...I was hungry! Really hungry! So, I've decided that if I start to feel like that again I'm just going to eat some extra protein. Anyway, I was down another pound even this morning. I had another whey protein shake this morning and I put a T of coconut flour in it for some fiber. I've been having problems going to the bathroom, so will probably drink Smooth Move tonight. I had chocolate whey protein yesterday and when I went to Krogers I got a bag of vanilla, which is really my fave. Yum! It is much less expensive to order a 24 ounce bag from Amazon so I plan to do that next time. Click on the picture of it below and it will take you to Amazon. I like using the vanilla and adding strawberries to it.

Monday, May 7, 2012

HCG Diary...Week 1 Results

I'm pleased to report that I've released 11 pounds at the end of week 1 on the HCG rx sublingual drops. I kind of got caught unaware on Saturday evening when had to eat out and hadn't planned on it. We ate at Cracker Barrel because I thought that they served roasted chicken, but that's only on Sunday. I ordered the 8 ounce sirloin and cut it in half, and had a garden salad which I pulled the croutons and cheese off of. There was still a few shreds of cheese left on there and the salad had lettuce, onion and tomato. I put vinegar on it. The next morning I was only down .8 pounds. I had my greatest loss Thursday morning, which was a four pound loss. I'm trying to be more diligent about keeping track of what I'm eating so that I can look back and see what works for me and what doesn't. I've also lost 1.5 inches from waist and 1 inch from hips. The same day that I had the sirloin and salad I had cottage cheese and strawberries for lunch. I think that was just too much deviation in one day. I love Jay Robb whey protein shakes and I'm trying to find out if anyone has tried these and if they stalled. I might go ahead and try one today to see what happens. I love getting on the scale every morning and seeing that number going down. YES!

Friday, May 4, 2012

HCG Diary...VLCD Day 3...YEE-HAW!!!

I can't believe it, but I'm down three pounds from yesterday. Today's weight is 235.4. I really flooded myself with water and stevia iced tea yesterday so I guess that helped a lot. When I woke up yesterday morning I found my Smooth Move tea still sitting on the counter from the night before. I let it steep and was so tired that I forgot about it and went to bed. I was afraid to drink it yesterday because the tea bag had been sitting in the water for so long that I was afraid it would really cause cramping. I made a cup and drank it last night and it has really helped me...ahem...clear some things out this morning. Well, I'm so stoked today after seeing how much weight I'm losing. I am celebrating with some Bigelows Perfect Peach tea. It's in the fridge getting cold...yummy. I'm cooking enough chicken tenderloins to last me the next three days. I also figured out that I can do better with half a grapefruit (only has 41 calories) than an apple. The nutrition facts on the apple bag says that it has 130 calories and I figured that was way too much. I'm going to the store to stock up on some things as soon as my chicken finishes cooking. I wasn't sure about the vegetable thing but I guess as long as I stay within my 500 calories after the protein, melba and fruit that I can have whatever it takes to get me there. We're planning on going camping in June and I'm pushing to at least wait until the 16th, which will be my last vlcd.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

HCG Diary...VLCD Day 2...down 4.4 pounds from yesterday!!!

OMG...OMG...OMG!!!! I got on the scales this morning, my second VLCD and only Day 4 of drops and I weighed 238.0 so I lost 4.4 pounds from yesterday. I was very tired last night when I went to bed, around 10:30. When I woke up this morning I realized that my Smooth Move tea was still sitting on the counter, untouched. Oh, well...guess I'll reheat it and drink it today.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

HCG Diary...VLCD 1

Wow! I was totally unprepared for today. Well, I mean I knew before hand what I was going to eat because I had everything planned out, but I was kind of taken aback by the hunger that I had. I assumed that it would be smooth sailing with no hunger. I can't even say that what I experienced was a true hunger, but more like blood sugar being off and getting that sicky feeling in my stomach. For the most part I had been eating healthy in the two months leading up to starting on hcg. I had not been eating gluten or transfats. Then when I realized that I was starting the hcg diet and how calorie-restricted it is I kind of went hog wild so to speak in the three days leading up to starting the drops. Pizza and draft beer Friday night, junk on Saturday, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and dip and brownies on Sunday. Then, on my two load days I didn't eat healthy fats like I had planned, but instead at Burger King, and other junk.

Monday, 4/29/12 weight was 241.8
Wednesday, 5/2/12 weight was 242.4 (surprised I only gained .6 pound on my loading days) and this was the first vlcd. For lunch I had 2 chicken tenderloins, half a green pepper, an apple and five mini melba toasts (40 cal.) I drank 2 cups of black coffee at breakfast, 20 ounces of stevia iced tea for lunch, I didn't eat all of my dinner at one time but stretched it from about 5 pm until 9 pm. I'm not sure that was such a good idea, but I wasn't sure how I would handle only eating twice during the day. For dinner I had the same thing as I had for lunch except I had radishes instead of green pepper. I don't think I've had enough fluids today. I am going to drink a cup of Traditional Medicinals Smoove Move tea so that I can clear out the junk that I loaded in the last few days. I'm not sure that coffee counts as total fluid intake so I need to find out about that. Without the coffee and including the hot tea that I'm going to drink I have only had about 64 ounces. I'm going to get some grapefruits tomorrow and use those instead of apple for my fruit because the apples that I have say 130 cal. Two of these would be half of my daily allowed caloric intake.