Monday, May 7, 2012

HCG Diary...Week 1 Results

I'm pleased to report that I've released 11 pounds at the end of week 1 on the HCG rx sublingual drops. I kind of got caught unaware on Saturday evening when had to eat out and hadn't planned on it. We ate at Cracker Barrel because I thought that they served roasted chicken, but that's only on Sunday. I ordered the 8 ounce sirloin and cut it in half, and had a garden salad which I pulled the croutons and cheese off of. There was still a few shreds of cheese left on there and the salad had lettuce, onion and tomato. I put vinegar on it. The next morning I was only down .8 pounds. I had my greatest loss Thursday morning, which was a four pound loss. I'm trying to be more diligent about keeping track of what I'm eating so that I can look back and see what works for me and what doesn't. I've also lost 1.5 inches from waist and 1 inch from hips. The same day that I had the sirloin and salad I had cottage cheese and strawberries for lunch. I think that was just too much deviation in one day. I love Jay Robb whey protein shakes and I'm trying to find out if anyone has tried these and if they stalled. I might go ahead and try one today to see what happens. I love getting on the scale every morning and seeing that number going down. YES!

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